Having trouble posting, especially pictures, as much as we would like. However after a realxing day, taking some hired bikes o a beach, on Guernsey we set off for Sark on Saturday. A few hours brought us round the South of the island to Dixcart Bay, only open to the South and South East, so with winds from the West we thought we would be in for a quiet night. On returning from a walk through the dense wooded valley up to the Stocks hotel for drink, we found that the bay had emptied of other boats bar one- did they know something we didn't? Probably.
The Westerly winds managed to whip round the South of the Island and create an onshore wind in the bay, which kept the sea rolling in. Added to this there was an occasional gust from the west down though the valley which blew us side on to the waves. Fortunately none of this was too extreme, and the anchor held, but we rolled enough to keep us awake.
Today was a 4 hour sail with a strong beam reach west about Jersey to St Hellier. Cool conditions on the water with a cold westerly, but hot sunshine awaited once we were in the shelter of St Hellier marina- We soon feel asleep in the cockpit after rafting to a French boat.
It's the same on land with a cool wind blowing in but hot when the sun is out. Possibly the sea is cooler than normal after May/June sunshine hours, and is cooling down the air, even though we are having quite a lot of hot sunshine
A good rest for a couple of days, to make up for Dixcart Bay, before we head on South for St Malo, depending on wind direction.
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